Slugline screenplay
Slugline screenplay

slugline screenplay slugline screenplay

Highland automatically recognizes most transitions (such as CUT TO: or DISSOLVE TO:) if you write them in ALL CAPS and put a : at the end. If your character’s name isn’t displaying properly, or if you have a name that requires upper-and-lowercase letters, you can put an symbol at the front to force highland to recognize it as a Transitions Need a parenthetical? Just put it (in parentheses).

slugline screenplay

If you turn on Live Margins ( View > Live Margins or ⌘ Command + L), you’ll see an immediate preview in the Editor of what your formatted dialogue will look like. In Highland 2 > Preferences > Document ( ⌘ Command + ,), you can choose to have Highland auto-complete character names you’ve already written dialogue for in your screenplay. Then write their dialogue on the line directly beneath it. or EXT., add a period at the beginning of the line. To use a scene heading that doesn’t start with INT. Highland 2 also auto-completes frequently used scene headings, remembering each of them as you add them to your screenplay. You can even choose to have the app automatically capitalize INT. In Highland 2 > Preferences > Document ( ⌘ Command + ,), you can choose whether you want Highland to display your scene headers in bold, underlined, or double-spaced. Just write your scene heading, starting with EXT. To force Highland 2 to treat these as action lines rather than dialogue, add an exclamation point ! at the beginning of each line. In rare cases, you may have several uppercase lines stacked together for effect. Your typing shows up properly formatted as action and description. Make sure you have a blank line between paragraphs. Let’s look at some basic screenplay formatting, and how Highland makes it work. It figures out your formatting as you go. In most screenwriting apps, you need to use a keystroke or menu to switch between different format elements before you start typing.

Slugline screenplay