Ryzom raising guild film
Ryzom raising guild film

I know that some may say that such folks are actually Neutral and thus have no business ever aligning, but that's rather shortsighted.

#Ryzom raising guild film how to

Imagine a homin who knows on an intellectual level that teleportation and resurrection do not require Jena/Ma'Duk yet cannot figure out how to get out of that metaphor and thus still rely on Kara/Kami thinking. It also allows for a lore-friendly way to mix factions in a guild. Now, I'm not saying that that is actually how it is, only that there is enough room in both logic and lore that it cannot be discounted as a possibility that allows for "heathens" like you and I to rise from the dead and teleport without breaking lore. After all, what is religion if not an attempt to make sense of the incomprehensible? In fact, what I've read of the Horongis, either Jena and Ma'Duk are merely masks of the true higher power(s), or there are no higher powers and we merely use them as a framework by which to explain the universe because our science does not (yet) have a way to explain it without allegory. Of course, that does not mean that those higher powers are necessarily Jena and Ma'Duk those two may simply be fictions invented in order to manipulate Homins more readily, or for homins to "understand" the inconceivable aspects of reality. I wouldn't go back to being Kami even if I found out they were the ones who resurrect me, however, as I had my reasons to leave the faction when I did, but that's a discussion for another time. It's a wasted opportunity to make the higher powers more interesting in my eyes, but oh well. Thank you for this information, I genuinely had no idea, as I haven't seen any information on it in the normally accessible lore one can find without doing serious digging. Obviously, Homins do not have access to this information.Ībout Horongi's (which is composed of Marung and Nung) Since you are marauder i think, you may want to ask them who's resurrecting marauder, you may be surprised to keep fighting Kami for example :P Luminatrix Is there any proof of it being this way besides "it's true because I said it's true"? I've read most of the existing lore and I don't remember any.Yes, the Lore slash/ Lore Team. Just saying we don't actually know whether the power to resurrect has always been exclusively theirs or not. Of course, this is just my perspective, as I like the idea of them not being more sinister than they let on. It could easily be that they need homins so they hijacked the resurrection magic and claim it to be their own. Is there any proof of it being this way besides "it's true because I said it's true"? I've read most of the existing lore and I don't remember any.įor all we know, there might be sources of magic capable of resurrecting Homins on Atys (not that far-fetched, considering most Homins can cast magic spells) that the higher powers have simply taken control of. but no-one else and this powerfull ability is NOT playable by players.) (as said previously Horongi's have been able to resurrect without the powers help. Maybe in the ranger background their is a corner case too.

ryzom raising guild film

but the truth is what I say: always the high powers and they why they are doing it is because they need homins regardless of their alignment. Players characters can think it's not the high powers etc. It's really always the high powers who is resurrecting homins.

Ryzom raising guild film